Monday, July 7, 2014

ADD And Exhaustion and Migraines, Oh My!!


So, I've recently started up a mini-book club with my friends, where a group of us reads part of a book, and then talks about it, and then read more, and then talk more, and so on and so forth. The first book that we're reading together is The Hobbit. I've read this book before, and I love it. But I find myself super distracted as of late and haven't read more than about ten pages in it, and the first chapter is 27 pages. And I've recently become addicted to the Pirates of the Caribbean game on FB, so it seems like whenever I DO have any free time, I'm playing that. I used to read in my spare time (which I still love doing) but lately this Pirates game is my new addiction. Since when do I prefer electronics to a good, old-fashioned book???

I also find that I'm exhausted all the time. There doesn't seem to be a time where I'm not at least a little bit tired, from the time that I wake up to the time that I go to bed. And I've also recently started two new medications, one of which is an anti-depressant, so maybe they're affecting this? I don't know, I just wish that I could figure out WHY I'm tired all the time, and fix it. It's not good to be this tired all the time when you have a full-time job and will be starting school again in a month.

Speaking of medicine, my headaches and migraines have come back in full force and even worse than before, it seems. I haven't had to go to the hospital or leave work because of one yet, but I have called in to work because of one a couple of weeks ago. Which I can't afford to do, with a car note that I need to pay, and insurance I need to pay, and two new ducks to feed, and six incoming chickens I need to feed.... The good thing about feeding the ducks and chickens, though, is that they eat the same food, and I SHOULD only need 1 bag a month, which is about $13.50. So that's not too bad.

I wish my migraines would stop, though.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I'm baaaaack......

Hey guys! So I know that I haven't posted on here in over two years (wow, that's a really long time!) but honestly I've had a lot going on and I forgot about this thing.... BUT I'M BACK! Hopefully to stay, and I'll definitely be posting on here again, more often than I was when I actually was still keeping up with this thing. Hopefully once a week? Yeah, that sounds good for now. Anyway, I have to go do clothes, but I'll be back in the next couple of days or something to tell you guys what's been going on in my life. :D