Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's raining, it's pouring, I wish I was snoring!

Hey guys! I'm Regina, and this blog will follow my crazy and wonderful life. :D I will frequently mention my two roommates, Abby and Amanda, because they're awesome people and I love them! It's true, I really do love you guys. You're like my sisters. Anyway, Amanda has her own blog on here that I think you should follow. Click it, you know you want to.

Now to explain my blog name. "Life As A Potterhead". Hmm. That should tell you all you need to know right there. Lol. Anyway, I am a Potter nerd. I know almost everything there is to know about this series. Seriously. You can ask me almost any question about it that you want, and I should be able to answer it. But! This blog will not be just about Potter-related things. I just couldn't think of another name for it, and Amanda came up with that one and I thought it fit. -shrug-

The post name was taken form a kids' rhyme: "It's raining, it's snoring, the old man is snoring!" I decided on that one because it looks like it's going to rain outside, and I kinda wish that I was sleeping. It did actually rain for a few minutes, but it's since stopped. But I have a feeling that it will start again soon.

Which brings me to my funny story of the day.  Amanda and I were going out to her car so that we could get the detergent that one of our friends left in it. Her car's name is Stevie, by the way, in case I say that name and you get confused. Well, I asked her if we could walk to Stevie slowly, since I didn't feel like going much faster than the pace of a snail since it is a lazy day today. She said sure and then at the exact same time, we started singing The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. From the beginning. We got about halfway through that song when the thunder started rumbling. Which made us immediately switch from The Lazy Song to The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks. It was pretty awesome. :D

So. There are a couple of websites that I'm gonna give you guys that I think you should check out. ...Most of these probably involve me in some way. Lol.

My deviantart page
Amanda's deviantart page.
Ashley's (my co-author) deviantart page
Mine and Ashley's book series.

You should click them. Because they are awesome. And just something that might turn up in future posts, I have a major case of music ADD. Meaning that I will frequently post music lyrics in my blog posts. They will usually be in all caps. You can continue singing the song in the comments if you want. Or tell me how crazy I am. I don't care. Lol.

Well, I'm off to work on finishing a story. Bye guys! Come back soon!

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