Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Animal Song

First, let me be very clear in stating that that just happens to be the song that I'm listening to at the moment.

Second, I just wanted to blow off some steam. I have a headache (thank you braces) and I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. But also, I'm trying to write stuff for my book series as well as something for each of the contests I'm in, and stuff for myself. It's proving to be very difficult. I'm not entirely sure where to go from where I'm starting. And it's extremely distressing. I'm ready for school to be over. I'm ready to move into my apartment. I'm ready for a job (which I can't find). I'm ready for a lot of things to happen, and none of them look like they're going to happen anytime soon. I guess the best thing I can do is to pray to God and prepare for whatever he sends my way in the next couple of months.

Anyway, I'll be back in a few days. I figure as long as I have this thing I may as well update it as often as possible. If I don't, then it's pointless. Haha. Later guys.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4 Minutes

Yay! Another post! The second one in less than 24 hours! That's a shock, isn't it, guys? Anyway, I thought I'd update you all (the all of like, three people that actually read this) on my DSL. I FINISHED IT! It took me many frustrations, and about eight and a half hours (with some breaks) but I finally finished it! I'm so happy about it, guys!

On another note, have you guys gotten to see "Holy Musical, B@man" over on YouTube yet? It's put on by StarKid Potter, the same company that did "A Very Potter Musical" and "A Very Potter Sequel". And this one is just as amazing! I love it. :D Well, I guess that's it for now. Can't really think of anything else to say. Later guys!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just a another update from your friendly neighborhood blogger.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting on here recently. Life's been crazy and I've been lazy. And I'm not entirely sure what to talk about, so I'm just going to talk about a bunch of random stuff till I feel like stopping. :)

First, I just wanted to say that I'm participating in two writing competitions over at dA. I'm pretty excited about them, because if I win, then I can get a feature from both of them, which gets my stuff read by more people. I don't really think that I WILL win, but it's always worth a shot, right? I've also put up a new poem on there recently that I'm really proud of. Well, except the end of it. Still not entirely sure what happened there. But that can be found here. Please read it and give me your opinion. :D

Second, I also wanted share my excitement over some things that I bought from Amazon. I ordered five things about three weeks, and the last one got here today! I'm super excited about it, too. Anyway, the first four things that I ordered are CSI Seasons 1 and 2, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. season 1, and Repo! The Genetic Opera. The last one I'll get to a bit later. It deserves it's own section. Also, if you've never heard of Repo!, or you just haven't been able to see it yet, you should. It's pretty amazing. Here's one of my favorite songs from it: Zydrate Anatomy.

Third, I got to go to a 3OH!3/Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert on Friday!! I loved it, it was absolutely amazing. I even bought an RJA t-shirt. (3OH!3 didn't have a merch table, for some reason.) It makes it one of the very FEW band t-shirts that I have, which makes me love it that much more. I ALSO was able to acquire autographs on my ticket!!! 3OH!3 autographed the front of my ticket before the show. I am probably one of the ONLY people was able to get an autograph from them, because they didn't come out for autographs and pictures after the concert. The only reason I was able to get one was because my friend Jerel works where the concert was held as a student worker. He had to clean the hospitality room after the bands were done with their interviews, before the concert, and while 3OH!3 was out in the hallway waiting for RJA to finish with their interview, he was able to get my ticket signed for me! THANK YOU JEREL! And after the show, one or two of the members of RJA was/were signing autographs/taking pictures. So on the BACK of my ticket, one of them signed it and then he took a picture with me. XD I'm not entirely sure which one it was, because I don't know the members names and I can't read his autograph. But still! XD (I'm still on a slight emotional high from that, and it's almost 2:30 on Tuesday morning.)

And last, the last item that I got from Amazon is a new shell for my Nintendo DS Lite. It's a transparent blue shell, and I can't wait to finally replace it! I got it because my current one (which is black) has a broken hinge on the right side of it, and the L and R buttons don't work right, and I need them to play my Harry Potter games, since they're GBA games. They're also really helpful (although not entirely necessary) for Mario Kart DS. So I decided to buy a new shell to replace everything so that it'll all work again. And now that's it's come in, I can finally replace it! Well, when I get time, anyway.

Well, that's about all for now. There're probably other things that I could have added in here, but it's late and I'm tired. So... That's all, folks!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Beautiful Liar

Hey guys! I'm back at school now, after having about two weeks to spend with my sister, aunt, uncle, and cousin during the break. Oh, and just to clear up any possible questions, the title is just the name of the song I'm listening to right now. It doesn't have anything to do with anything. Lol. But I feel much better now that I got to spend two weeks with family. So that's a good thing.

Also, Christmas and New Year's has come and gone and the time has come for me to list everything I got. It might not be everything I got, because it's been a while and I don't remember everything. But things that I do remember are as follows: galoshes, Inheritance (the last book in the Eragon books, the Inheritance Cycle), the entire Hunger Games trilogy, The Help (the book, not the movie), Clockwork Angel, a new computer bag, some new make-up (which I've left at home for some reason), a Phineas and Ferb t-shirt, a Harry Potter t-shirt that says I'm a wizard-in-training (even though I'm a girl, I still love it XD), a fuzzy poster, a 2,000 piece puzzle of a castle, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 on DVD. That's all that I can remember right now. Oh, and The Maltese Falcon on DVD.

Also, since I'm back at school now, I should hopefully be able to post more. ...Hopefully. But I'm also in a fraternity, and I'm the Treasurer of it, so I'll be doing some stuff for it. But it shouldn't take too much longer than it already does to do all of that stuff, so I should still be able to post more often than I have in the past. So... yeah. That's that, and I hope all of you have had a wonderful break. :D