Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4 Minutes

Yay! Another post! The second one in less than 24 hours! That's a shock, isn't it, guys? Anyway, I thought I'd update you all (the all of like, three people that actually read this) on my DSL. I FINISHED IT! It took me many frustrations, and about eight and a half hours (with some breaks) but I finally finished it! I'm so happy about it, guys!

On another note, have you guys gotten to see "Holy Musical, B@man" over on YouTube yet? It's put on by StarKid Potter, the same company that did "A Very Potter Musical" and "A Very Potter Sequel". And this one is just as amazing! I love it. :D Well, I guess that's it for now. Can't really think of anything else to say. Later guys!

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